Cydia for iOS - The Quotes and Hows of this Utility

Cydia for iOS - The Quotes and Hows of this Utility 
What is Cydia? 
Basically Cydia is a utility or application that allows us, through the use of repositories, to install applications not signed by Apple on our devices with iOS. All this after having done the Jailbreak to an iPad, iPhone, iPod or Apple TV. The advantages of having this application in our device are endless, depending always on the external developers to the company of Cupertino, that allow to modify options that by default in iOS can not. 
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We could classify Cydia as a small App Store, where we can install applications that allow you to modify icons, menus or add functionalities such as connection managers, key decryption, dynamic wallpapers or even increase the speed of transitions in our iDevice.cydia- Iphone-ipod-ipad-1 
Cydia was created by Jay Freeman, known in the net under the pseudonym Saurik and arose to remove the limitations that Apple imposed in its devices, like for example not being able to change the tone of call, without going through box. It is born to host applications that would never be allowed by Apple, not because they are illegal, but to take away the appearance so original that in and of itself, the apple does not want us to change.What do I need to install Cydia on my iPhone, iPod or iPad? 
Depending on the version of iOS that has an iPhone, iPod or iPad we must use a native application of OS X or Windows to be able to Jailbreak the device. With this method we will be able to add the Cydia icon to the terminal's dashboard. In the latest versions of iOS 8 the application that allows this task is called Panguy you have a magnificent tutorial that we do here.Cydia-iphone-ipod-ipad-5Now, here's what you'll need:

An iPad, iPhone or iPod updated to the specific version of which you need to do Jailbreak, being recommended iOS 8.
A Windows PC or Mac with OS X.
The application that will perform the process.
A classic lightning or dock cable. 

What is Jailbreak? 
The Jailbreak grants root user privileges, to be able to modify at will and access the files of the system, which are not allowed to read / write. All this is done thanks to an application normally available in OS X and Windows. 
Every time that Apple launches a new version of iOS, the security holes that the hackers use to free access to the system are usually plugged in, so the team that launches the Jailbreak tools must get down to work Inside our iDevice.Types of Jailbreak 
Depending on the device we are going to do Jailbreak and its security holes, this can be Untethered or Tethered. The first one means that the Jailbreak will be permanent and although we restart our device, it will be working again at the beginning. The second, called Tethered will only work if we do not power off or restart iDevice; In case of doing so we must plug the iPad, iPhone or iPod back into the computer to relaunch the process.Is Cydia dangerous? 
The problem with Cydia is the following: We will download third-party applications from some repositories that we will add manually. The repositories are external databases to Cydia that contain the files and descriptions of each application.

When we download an application from an untrusted repository, ie not directly from the official repository that contains it, it may have modifications that may violate our privacy. Still it is very rare to find us in a similar situation, but what I always recommend is to install repositories that you see in quality web pages, do not trust sites of dubious reputation.

Installing Cydia on your iDevice can also cause system stability issues, such as hang-ups, slowdowns, and sometimes a high increase in battery usage, although packets and applications are often more and more optimized to avoid falling into these problems .

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